
INFUSSE project aims at tackling these post pandemic effects by combining two significant pillars that will strengthen the HEIs Entrepreneurial activity and strengthen the labor market with reskilled and upskilled graduate students. This will strengthen the obstacles and deficiencies in skills and qualifications that many students, graduates and educators may not yet possess, as well as cover the need for the creation of a new balance in the field of Higher Education, adjusted in the demands of the post Covid-19 era. To achieve this a work programme has been defined, dividing all tasks to be carried out into 4 work packages to reach the results of the project. INFUSSE will produce 9 PRs in which all partners participate. Leadership of the tasks and responsibilities assigned were based on the competencies and experience of the partners.

1.Analysis of “Digital Entrepreneurial Education” initiatives & Good Practices and Development of INFUSSE pedagogical scenarios

This is the introduction to the implementation of the PRs. It is including the PR1 – “Digital Entrepreneurial Education” pedagogical scenarios extraction including specifications for training, methodology and learning tools and the following activities under it: PR1/A1 Identification & Collection of initiatives and Real Life Case Studies, PR1/A2 Qualitative analysis of Case Studies resulting in Best Practices, Key processes & KPIs extraction , PR1/A3 Mapping and development of a database of key stakeholders of interest and PR1/A4 “Digital Entrepreneurial Education” stakeholders needs analysis. These activities form the studying phase of the project, where different aspects, stakeholders, and best practices of “Digital Entrepreneurial Education” will be examined toa set the base to design the following activities.

2. Digital Learning Programme, Modules & Tools Development: This consists of PR2.

INFUSSE Educators’ Training Path (digital skills, tools and guidelines to “train-the-trainers”), PR3. INFUSSE Virtual Incubation Programme “Run a Digital Entrepreneurship Solution against CoVid-19” challenge, PR4 – INFUSSE Open Educational Resources HUB and PR5-INFUSSE Assessment Framework. In the WP, the methodologies, modules, and tools for the training of the trainers, the virtual incubation programme for the learners, the e-learning HUB, and the Assessment Framework of these activities will be developed. The proper design of these activities will allow the partners to organize better the activities of the next work package and monitor their impact.

3. Training/Piloting

This is the testing phase of the previous, where methodology and tools will be used and tested by the participants of PR6 – Pilot test of the INFUSSE Educators’ Training Path enhancing the digital pedagogical competences of educators, PR7- Pilot test of the INFUSSE Virtual
Incubation Programme for Digital Entrepreneurship in national level and PR8-Pilot Test the Transnational pillar of the INFUSSE Virtual Incubation Programme. These activities will enhance the digital skills of educators and prepare them to coach the learners in the local and transnational “Run a Digital Entrepreneurship Solution against CoVid-19” challenge. Additionally, students and graduates will develop their digital and entrepreneurial competencies.

4. Aftermath – Guidelines & Recommendations

This includes the PR9-Development of local and pan-European conditions to incorporate the INFUSSE Approach in the education systems, as well as in the recently launched Digital Edu Action Plan, and the multiplier event of the project, E.1 – INFUSSE Final Conference. These activities have a crucial role in the sustainability and the impact of the project as well as to the efforts for INFUSSE Approach uptake and fostering Digital Entrepreneurial Education in HEIs. The ultimate aim is to develop, pilot test and incorporate an innovative ecosystem empowering participant to develop digital and entrepreneurial competencies and initiate their own endeavor.

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